This House Is Condemned

He's in a room / He sees the floor / He sees the wall / He sees the roof / He sees the door / It's nine thirty-eight / So he goes up to the door / and he finds himself in another room / identical to the one before / The clock still reads nine thirty-eight / So he goes out of that room / but he finds himself in a parallel room / a mirror image of the one before / He hits the floor / He hits the wall / He hits the door / He hits the door / The clock reads nine thirty-eight / He throws it at the roof / He breaks a hole / He climbs out / He sees the moon / He sees the stars / He sees the sky / The stars are small lightbulbs / set in a black cardboard dome / He climbs out / He sees the stars, he sees the sky / The stars are small lightbulbs / set in a black cardboard dome / He hits the floor / He hits the wall / He hits the roof / He hits the dome / He hits the dome / Condemned / This house / This house is / This house is / Is this house / This house / Is this house / Fill in housing form / Buy one clock / Time again / Sort housing papers / Still nine thirty-eight / Two thousand years from now / it will still be ticking / He hits the floor / Wall, roof, door / The clock reads nine thirty-eight / He hits the dome / Door, wall / Space, floor / Time / He sees the moon / He sees the stars / for some romantic reason / Space, dome, door, wall, clockface / Space, time, place, floor, wall, door, roof / This is one small step for mankind / one giant leap for man / Ten / Nine / Eight / Seven / Six / Five / Four / Three / Two / One / Zero / We have lift-off / He takes the clock, he breaks the dome, he sees the moon, he sees the stars, he sees the sky, he sees the Earth for some romantic reason / He takes the clock, he breaks the dome, he sees the moon, he sees the stars, he sees the sky, he sees the Earth / Space, time, place, condensed / Space, time, place, condemned / This is house is / This house is / This house is / condemned / This house is / This house is / This house is / condemned.

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